Mariposa Museum and History Center


The Mariposa Museum and History Center building houses one of the finest collections of historical artifacts in the state.

Inside the history center

Iinside the Center, history comes to life in award winning displays.

On the grounds surrounding the History Center are numerous displays and exhibits including a bark teepee, various kinds of mining equipment, historic buildings and a working stamp mill!




This is an arrastra.  An animal, usually a mule or burro, would be fastened to the log.  It then would walk in circles around the arrastra, which would cause the grinding of the stones that had been placed in it.  Then the powdered stone would be washed and worked (either by pan or gold sluice) for gold.

Indian Village

A mock-up of a MiWok (the Native Americans of the area) village can also be found on the History Center grounds.

The traditional dwellings are painstakingly made from tree bark.

Inside the History Center can be found photos and various examples of MiWok baskets.

The Countz house

The Counts Home (on the left) can be found next to the old Mariposa Gazette building. Both historic buildings were moved from their original site to the History Center. Who knows? You may be lucky enough to see Mrs. Counts as she has, on occasion, been known to entertain visitors in her home.

For more information on the History Center, including dates and times of operation, you may call them at: (209) 966-2924

History Center Location

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